Immune Up

Composition: Each film-coated tablet contains: 700 mg Fish oil (EPA-300 mg, DHA-200 mg, other Omega-3 fatty acids-200 mg), Iodine 150 mcg, Selenium 55 mcg, Vitamin-D3-400 IU, Vitamin-C 85 mg, Zinc 8 mg.

Dosage: It is usually recommended to take orally, half an hour after meals: children from 12 years of age 1 tablet 2 times a day, adults 1 tablet 3 times a day. Course of treatment: from 30 to 45 days, a second course of treatment in 2 months. The recommended consumption rate of the product should not be exceeded. It is important to understand that with moderate consumption, side effects do not occur. The course of taking and re-taking pills is recommended on the advice of a specialist.

Indications: For the correction of nutrition, especially when there is a deficiency of micronutrients in the body (in winter, spring, malnutrition); promotes the proper functioning of the immune system and strengthens the body’s defenses against various adverse factors (colds, infections, stress); relieves symptoms of eye fatigue, improves the process of vision (eg. the ability to see in the dark), is useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer and TV and often experience eye strain, strengthens the bone and joint system, increases physical activity and improves overall well-being, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and activates blood circulation, improves memory, concentration, inclusion of dietary supplements in the daily diet strengthens human health and has a rejuvenating effect, improves performance and resistance to high physical exertion.